I seem to start most of my recent posts with an apology of sort. You see, I don't have the same access the the internet that I used to, and when I do get access, I have to make it quick because I am sharing it with other people.
This past week has been even more sporadic with access to the internet. I have officially begun Nursing training. Its been wild, detailed and extremely full on... I am loving it! Two more things I am loving? Being able to call myself a nurse, AND, a coffee shop selling delicious coffee using Five Senses beans straight across from my uni. So great to drink the coffee that we used on the Doulos when we were trained to be Barista's around Australia. And the guys there are great to talk to during our breaks.
I have attention issues, and study always drives me mad because it takes SO long to learn something and then I don't plan my study time wisely and then because it was SO long ago that I learnt anything without putting it into practice, I usually forget it. However, my current study plan is SO busy, SO quick and SO full on, I am still full of information and understanding and my assingments are so much easier to do because its so fresh.
Consider this: my course is 2 months long: one month of theory in the class room followed by one month of practical in a working environment. Its jam-packed full of information. Its so tiring, exhausting and draining. I don't think I've slept this well since I left the ship. That's how exhausted this makes me feel, while at the same time, I am so full of energy and excitement for the next steps... I am pumped! 6 months of 'holidays' could have something to do with this.
So - do you know what I am studying, aside from nursing? Firstly I am going to be a Aged Care Nurse. I will hopefully gain work pretty much straight after my studies have finished, and then I aim to work till about April next year [2011] when I will either stop working completely and pursue Enrolled Nursing studies, or I will do part time work and study. This will be decided according to how much the course is, how much money i can save between now and then and most importantly... if that is the direction God wants me to pursue.
God put this passion on my heart, and God can 'drive' the desire for more studies if that is where He is directing me to. For the time being, I am hoping to specialise in Paediactrics and/or Midwifery after Enrolled Nursing studies. However, I am also willing to be directed in any direction from here. Maybe my job will just be to make the days entertaining for the elderly people. Who knows? God knows.