Right... so its kind of all official now!
The registration fee has been paid.
The work situation has been sorted.
And now i have to acknowledge the fact this is really happening...
It feels kind of surreal. I will be missing some things while I'm gone which right now feels kind of odd but it will be great to hear how they all went. Also, a 'delivery' is scheduled to be made in the last few weeks of my time on the ship, which with little details just now makes that something not to focus on completely on just at this moment. I'll fill you in a little later about that...
Exciting! Gosh! Fundraising Ideas! Hmmm...
No more spending money when its not needed I think. This means, lessening up on how many lunches I buy at work, DVD's & CD's, clothes, shoes, and mags on the car etc. That last one is a joke - haha!
Must tell the family - they will be surprised it's happening so soon!!!
And the other family - my church family - they would like to know I'm leaving I'm sure!
"Finally, peace and quiet!" I can hear them say. Funny you are - f-u-n-n-y...!
So thats the latest! Hope life is giving you some crazy twists and turns too! I tell you what, its just a little bit exciting when things start happening, don't you think?
Take care and tell me whats going on in your life... I would love to hear it!
Benefit #1 of LDR : Spontaneous Dates
11 years ago
Who's is the delivery? :D
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