I am really sucking at keeping this regularly up to date... but seriously, I've been B-U-S-Y!!! My brain feels like its about to explode out of my head there's that much going on inside it...
There are many things I need to consider AND do before I can even set off on this new journey. VISA needs to be applied for. Flights need to be booked. Luggage needs to be organised. House needs to be packed. Stuff needs to be stored. Picasso needs a new postal address. Medical needs to be done. Vaccinations need to be atleast started. Newsletter needs to be written [and sent out]. Rest of the support needs to be raised [event maybe?]. Car needs to be sold. Household items not being kept need to be sold. Australian Tax Office needs to know I'll be overseas for 2 years. So does Centerlink. So does Medicare. So do some of my family...
See - there is alot happening. This is a unique opportunity I have. Normally people have 4-6 months ahead from their Pre-Field Training course. It's only been 2 weeks since I was there. I had under 2 months to do all of this, and now its almost Christmas! Oh my. I hope people understand that there wont be wrapped gifts from me this year. I don't think I've done many gifts for Christmas in the past couple of years actually. Partly because its so expensive. Partly because I wouldn't have a clue what to get most people [because their gift is also too expensive]. Partly because Christmas is not about the gifts and how much money is spent on your decorations and festivities. Its Family. Its Friends. Its Jesus... He is the reason for the season!
And then from Christmas day, its a one month countdown. I will be wishing Mum a "Happy Birthday!" from Cebu in the Philippines. And I'll be wishing many many friends their birthday wishes, wedding congrats and baby booming news from all over the world! That is... amazing!
I feel like I'm unprepared to go. But alteast with it being so close I cant be slack - I have to do things before Christmas or they will never happen! I'm going to be gone before I know it and that is both scary and exciting. I was told recently that last week was probably going to be the last time I would see them before I go because they were going to be away on holidays until a few days after I leave. That made me realise that THIS is REALLY happening. I'm going to be saying goodbye to people! I'm going to be away during important times in their lives! But i am really praying that people will keep in contact with me and will let me know what is happening with them.
So - here's to another update. I'll have to work out how I'll be putting my newsletters on here so those of you not on the Email list can download them. I'm sure we'll work it out!
If i dont have the pleasure of seeing or speaking to you before, have a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful start to your new year! Stay safe when travelling, particularly on the roads to and from your holiday!
Carola xx
Benefit #1 of LDR : Spontaneous Dates
11 years ago
December 24, 2008
Hi Carola from Australia,
Unbelievable, you did it! you actually did it! though I’m not really surprised, I was right when I told you “I’m certain you will hunger for more”.
You certainly didn‘t waste any time. You did what I do when stuck with a tough decision, just jump in, volunteer for everything and worry about the consequences later. I‘m sure that all of us who read your words truly share your excitement. The separation from your new friends and more important a life that promises a greater purpose must have been too painful. I’ve read many testimonies from people who wanted to change the direction in their lives, they also took the plunge and most say it was the best decision they ever made, so at the end of your journey when Doulos finds its final resting place (how sad that day will be), you will surely have the same thoughts. I trust you will be reborn from this journey, starting life again with a firm foundation.
God bless you,
Albert from Brisbane
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