
Hello Friends!

Just an brief update....

I'm sitting in the International Airport at Melbourne awaiting my 8 hour flight to Kuala Lumpa!!!!

This is SUCH a weird feeling. The entire lead up to this departure I have felt like I am substituting for someone else - and that I'm awaiting for their return to take over THIS role I'm filling - but they haven't come!! Which means that this is REALLY my journey! [Note: it always has been but - are you following?]

I've been PETRIFIED every step of the way - mainly because this is all very new to me. I had to pay excess baggage on the Adelaide to Melb flight [Whoopsie Daisy - 5 Kilos over!] and that was a bit of a sting [though not an unexpected one...]. So when coming to check in for the Malaysia Airline I was a bit concerned that they would bill me there too... Praise God that that didn't happen! [Snaps for Monty too!].

I was doing really well leading up to the "Leaving Home" flight - till I hugged Alex - *tears!!!*. And then Mozz... infact everyone I hugged got me teary. I know I'll see them again - its the time between where we have only few chats that makes it just a little sad - but I look forward to hearing MANY great things!!

Anyway enough about flights. While I'm waiting for time to pass before I go to my gate to... leave our amazing country Australia - here I am filling you in on whats going on! Lucky you!

PS - Question - How un-Australian is it to leave Australia on the Australia Day Long Weekend? I hope you forgive me - I've brought my flag along with me!!!!! I'll attempt show those crazy MV D people how we are just a random, fun, exciting bunch of people! But most importantly, I hope to help those who have no help... or hope. Thats what its all about isn't?

Soo I think I'm going to find a phone somewhere and make a call - otherwise I'll just chill with my music and prepare for the 8 hour bottom-numbing flight that hopefully I'll be able to sleep most of.

I miss all already - every one of you!

Please keep in contact!

My email will again be and I'll LOVE all the emails you send - yes Mum, even about the clothes falling off the washing line. That WILL make my day!

Big e-Hugs all round!

Carola - the Missionary :)

Leaving... again...

Hello funky people!

So - I'm not dead incase you thought so. Life is intense!! Since my last post I've spent time in the country where mobile phone's like mine don't have reception [not a bad thing!], internet is dial-up [extremely bad thing] and family is, well, family [a very wonderful thing]. I've also moved half of my bedroom to my Dad's [*sigh*], and begun packing the rest of my things ready for when my Champ of a Dad comes and collects the rest [really, he's a champ!].

Its been a struggle but I'm encouraged everyday! Things like VISA's and Flights have become slightly later in my organising than I had hoped but I don't have a doubt that they will be settled and organised before I really need them. I have every letter possible under the Sun ready to pass onto people so they know that -
A. I will be returning to Australia in 2 years time
B. that I am working volunteer on a ship, and leaving the Phillipines by this ship too and
C. that when I do return I'll be flown back from a distant land, somewhere...

This week occuring [so, the 5-9 Jan 2008] was my "Get everything significantly needing to be done, done" week. But that has only had the topped scraped away. I was utterly blessed to sleep from Wed-Fri. Okay, not so much. More like I got Gastro on Wednesday and have been sleeping and resting since. Don't know what Gastro is? Go here. I don't necessarily agree with Wiki but it is a source and it explains it well. Anyway, I forced myself to do stuff today despite not feeling flash, because unfortunately time is not standing still and with... 15 days left [no kidding!] I can't just do nothing. But, for all my "Mum's" out there [and my Mum in included in that too], I kept rehydrated and pretty much slept or rested for 2 days straight. I believe it was only a mild case...

SO... as previously mentioned... 15 days. I counted that today when a friend asked. That's how many days before I leave for Cebu. And then I arrive in Cebu the following day, and 2 weeks later I get back onto the ship. I honestly feel that the first few days onboard will feel like a holiday because I will then be able to stop running around like a chook with its head cut off! No more thinking if all the forms for OM have been done, what parts of my house still need to be packed up from my stuff, all the gov things I need to do before I go [like telling them I'm going], have I got everything, will I have everything, and will I have enough bull-dog clips to hold all my clothes up when I've lost more weight. That's not a joke. I was on for 3 months and lost a whopping 15kgs - which was likely aided by being sick in Albany for a week or so. But I lost weight before that. And it was SO annoying! Okay, its great too but losing weight means new[er] clothes!

And well... that's about it now! I'm off to collect results from the docs [just info for when I am away] and then hopefully rest before heading out to Pooraka Farm to talk to some lovely people about what I am about to do!

I hope you are blessed today. Its a lovely day, really! Enjoy it, because today only lasts 24 hours.
