
Hello Friends!

Just an brief update....

I'm sitting in the International Airport at Melbourne awaiting my 8 hour flight to Kuala Lumpa!!!!

This is SUCH a weird feeling. The entire lead up to this departure I have felt like I am substituting for someone else - and that I'm awaiting for their return to take over THIS role I'm filling - but they haven't come!! Which means that this is REALLY my journey! [Note: it always has been but - are you following?]

I've been PETRIFIED every step of the way - mainly because this is all very new to me. I had to pay excess baggage on the Adelaide to Melb flight [Whoopsie Daisy - 5 Kilos over!] and that was a bit of a sting [though not an unexpected one...]. So when coming to check in for the Malaysia Airline I was a bit concerned that they would bill me there too... Praise God that that didn't happen! [Snaps for Monty too!].

I was doing really well leading up to the "Leaving Home" flight - till I hugged Alex - *tears!!!*. And then Mozz... infact everyone I hugged got me teary. I know I'll see them again - its the time between where we have only few chats that makes it just a little sad - but I look forward to hearing MANY great things!!

Anyway enough about flights. While I'm waiting for time to pass before I go to my gate to... leave our amazing country Australia - here I am filling you in on whats going on! Lucky you!

PS - Question - How un-Australian is it to leave Australia on the Australia Day Long Weekend? I hope you forgive me - I've brought my flag along with me!!!!! I'll attempt show those crazy MV D people how we are just a random, fun, exciting bunch of people! But most importantly, I hope to help those who have no help... or hope. Thats what its all about isn't?

Soo I think I'm going to find a phone somewhere and make a call - otherwise I'll just chill with my music and prepare for the 8 hour bottom-numbing flight that hopefully I'll be able to sleep most of.

I miss all already - every one of you!

Please keep in contact!

My email will again be and I'll LOVE all the emails you send - yes Mum, even about the clothes falling off the washing line. That WILL make my day!

Big e-Hugs all round!

Carola - the Missionary :)