Amazing Love

Welcome to Easter...
What does it mean to you?
I just wanted to ask you that... because I like to know how many people actually know what Easter is, what it stands for, and if it means more than Chocolate Egg Hunts and Hot Cross Buns to you...

In other news, I met myself the other day. Freaky, but cool!!! I always wanted to know what it would be like to shake the hand of someone with the same name as me! Was a random moment, too. I was at the Cash Desks when I was paged to go to the Information Desk in the Bookshop, here in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. When I got closer to the Info desk, a couple stepped infront of me, stopping my journey, and the woman put her hand out and said,

"Are you Carola? Hello, my name is Carola, too!!!"

Turns out they are from Sweden or something, where my name is very common there, but as we just started getting into a conversation [because I actually thought I was paged to come and speak with them], I got paged to the Info Desk again, and had to leave the conversation, but how cool is that???

Oh, wait, I'm sure many people reading this have met 'themselves' before. You might not find it that cool! I find it very cool!

In other news, I'm the MC for a performance at a Mall today. Oh my! I am nervous, because I've only really MC'd childrens programs, but today I get to test the waters on open air BIG performances. Exciting and Scary. I'll have to share what happens with you when I come back!

And, I need some prayer! Infact, many people onboard do [all of us actually but for this selection of people in particular]. Many of us have some physical problems at the moment, and mostly are sprains and twists of our limbs. I gracefully mildly sprained my ankle, AGAIN, while out and about the other day. Others have sprained ankles, knees, wrists or other ailments! I'm fine and will heal soon, others have more long term damage that will take longer to heal. Most of us cannot stop work to rest like our Doctors would like, so healing is a little slower! So, if you can spare a moment, please pray for us!

Thanks so much for journey-ing with me. I really appreciate it [and value all the lovely emails or comments I get!].

I pray you are well this Easter, that you also remember the real reason why we celebrate this Weekend.

