Comings and Goings

So, Keelung being our last port in Taiwan, we're soon to head somewhere new!!

"Where are you going next?" you say? Well, let me tell you...

After 2 weeks being open to the public followed by 1 week of rest for the majority of the ships company [known as Sabbath week: 28th May -3rd June] we will sail for 2 days [and 1 hour] to Hong Kong. If you saw my previous map of Taiwan, you would note I made a slight boo-boo and put Keelung just a little bit south of where it should be - oops!

We are only open for 2 weeks in Keelung, so that is 2 weeks of intense craziness. The weekdays will likely be quiet and as of this week I'm working the evening shifts. Did I mention that I'm no longer in my old shift? No, now I'm in what we are calling "Shift 3" - Shifts 1 & 2 have now changed together to create Shifts 3 & 6. Yeah, don't know why it couldn't be Shifts 3 & 4 but the boss said we now have Shifts 3 & 6. Ha.
Want to know what craziness I'm talking about? Today, Sunday, we had over 4,000 people in 3 hours. THAT is a lot of people! Thankfully, I was off, but next weekend I will have the pleasure of doing that in our shift!
SO - that is where I am going... for you to know!