Awarded "Over The Top!" - Aw, Yay!

So - A while ago my best gal pal Al at Remember the Moments hit me up for this award - which just makes me feel like little butterflies are flying around in my tummy and gives me the biggest grin on my face - something I'm sure she experiences because she has her own "butterfly" in her tummy [due May!] And it was quite the nicest surprise because I really have been slack on my blog - so here's to a new start! Yay!

Here are the Rules:

Use only one word answer the questions, pass along to six favorite bloggers, and tell 'em you did so.

1. Where is your cell phone? Table

2. Your hair? Long!

3. Your mother? Loves

4. Your father? Tough

5. Your favorite food? Indian

6. Your dream last night? Lost

7. Your favorite drink? Juice

8. Your dream/goal? Serve

9. What room are you in? Office

10. Your hobby? Learning

11. Your fear? Heights

12. Where do you want to be in six years? Mummying-it-up

13. Where were you last night? Party

14. Something that you aren't? Married

15. Muffins? Now!

16. Wish list item? Guitar

17. Where did you grow up? [all over] South Australia

18. Last thing you did? Toilet

19. What are you wearing? PJ's

20. Your TV? Singing

21. Your pets? Mystery

22. Friends? Truckloads

23. Your life? Expanding

24. Your mood? Waking-up

25. Missing someone? Many

26. Vehicle? Rodeo

27. Something you're not wearing? Pants

28. Your favorite store? Ahm...

29. Your favorite color? Greens

30. When was the last time you laughed? Last Night

31. Last time you cried? Yesterday

32. Your best friend(s)? Many!

33. One place that I could go over and over? Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia

34. One person who emails you regularly? Cara B

35. Favorite place to eat? Indian Places

Now, I am not blessed with an abundance of people who comment on my blog - so I will just tag YOU! Whoever you are reading this - wherever you are in life - have this as a wee break from the norm of your blog and hit me back with a comment and I'll come right over and check it out!

Or - you don't have to do that at all! But, I found it ridiculously hard to write just 1 word for my answers! Is that saying something about my abilities to use more words when writing and speaking than necessary? Ha!

Bless ya's!