Amazing how life takes a turn into a direction you couldn't imagine yourself taking. You picture yourself heading to point X, yet unbeknownst to you, God has you heading to point J. Somewhere along the line, God-willing, you'll find your partner in crime [a partner to share a life sentence with, criminally termed here - haha] who just happens to be heading to point M, with God also directing them towards point J.
I am not trying to tell you I have found my geographically- and directionally-challenged man yet. No. He's still running wild in the wilderness out there, with no map in hand, following no GPS, not realising where I am just yet, just simply enjoying his time running around with no pants on, beating his chest and playing with sticks in the dirt. Despite how appealing that image really is…
I am also not telling you that its all Mister Man's fault that I am still single and waiting for him to rescue me like a fairytale would. Because I am not a princess stranded up a tower with immensely long hair, nor did I eat a bad apple and am stuck snoring my head off till he decides that kissing a sleeping person isn't creepy at all. I have [many many] things to learn, like truly being content with where I am in life, how to deal with conflict better, loving as un-conditionally as I can… while Mister Man simply has to "evolve" himself [the creation kind of evolving that is] into a man who will realise how super awesome I am - and be okay with that. Because I am okay with that…
Point J. I didn't plan on calling it Point J - the direction that God has me and future hubby, yet its quite OBVIOUS why it would be Point J. What could that be, one could wonder. Juicy. January. Jubiliee. Perhaps the most OBVIOUS answer is Jesus. I'm sorry to burst your "thinking of J-named things" bubble, but I just couldn't wait for you to quit thinking up J-named things of insanity like I am sure you would…
So - that's all I have to say at nearly a bright and sunny 7pm on a Tuesday night, while sitting here being awkwardly stared at by a creepy dude who INSISTED on sitting at the very table I'm at despite ALL the free space and free tables that are in this cafe. Thankyou, creepy man, for creeping me out, tapping on the table like you own it [oh, well, where's you name and booking, huh?] and invading my "personal space" space, while I sit here with headphones on drinking my delicious cappuccino. Yes. Thank you.
PS - my little nephew's 2nd birthday is TODAY. He's two, for those who needed clarification. What the dang-nabbit. I've seen him but a glimpse of that time. Well here's an accidentally-awesome photo I took of him for your viewing pleasure. Look, and adore the little ragamuffin.
PSS - Did i mention how amazing this cappuccino is - despite the creepy man?
Hi loving your blog and I'm gonna be a faithful reader
Wow... super thanks and a double serve of awesomness right back at you, Leona!!
[PS - I don't always get to write, but I am kicking my butt to get back on the chin-wagon and write some more!]
You are absolutely FUN and challenging. Point J. Love it. I need to read this. It's always nice to know we are not alone :o)
Cute nephew. As the proud aunt of a 5 month old niece I can say being an Auntie is the best thing ever!
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