Happy One Month Anniversary, Nursing Class 1103!!
Four weeks of 5 days [of both work and study in a row], and I'm pooped.
Whatever you want to call it - that's what I am.

But, heck its great fun and I'm so loving nursing school!

However, working in this environment where we see the end of peoples lives is a hard ball sometimes.
Just this past week, one of my favourite residents [I know, we shouldn't have favourites] passed away. 
It wasn't sudden, mostly expected, but totally sad.
Even maddening, but that's mostly in relation to a family member's treatment of this resident...
Before and AFTER they passed away.

The world we live in is a scary, evil, confused and corrupt place.
Thank God for all the love, joy and peace He still provides amongst all that.
And laughter. OH MY GOSH! I love a great sense of humour.
Peace... x