10 days...

Whoa back nelly! Its the 18th today and in 10 days time I'll be watching the Doulos leave me behind. I'm going to be sad! But, I'm also very excited... about the big door that could be possibly opening before me. It kinda scares my socks off or freaks my head off the possibilities that could come from this experience but its just as exciting to see where this adventure will now lead.

But back to the original statement - 10 days left. I was originally told that I'd be leaving the ship on the 27th. Then a few weeks ago we were told we'd be leaving the ship on the 24th. NOW its been confirmed [only yesterday!] that we'll be leaving on the 28th - the day the ship leaves to head to East Timor.

This means that in just under 2 weeks I'll be back in South Australia. I land in Adelaide the evening of the 3rd, then possibly on the 5th I'll drive over to the Eyre Peninsular to meet my brothers first child. Oh my. I am a little anxious about that. Not so much because there's soon to be a new relative, but because I want that child to have the best in life and I want 'its' parents to be the best they can be - even if they aren't going to be together. Perhaps that is the part that is greatly affecting me the most - the unknown of the entire situation. But hopefully I can be a good influence into his or her life and to my bro's and his former girlfriends. I believe all will work out amazingly because I know my bro is going to be a good Dad - he's got alot to learn though and I think only now realities really settling in...

So I'll spend most of my time in Port Lincoln to be close to my brother and new family additions, but I'll also try and spend and evening at Mum's place and then at Dad's too. If only they all didn't spread out over 2.5 hours of driving, it might've been easier to see them all more and spend more time with them. I might even try and steal a day off from all of them and go to my Uncle's place in Coffin Bay and just chillax there for a day. Beauty.

And then around the 11th I'll be officially back in Adelaide. And then looking for a job [Oh No!]. Part of me would like to just ask my former job for a casual role till the end of the year... this will depend on the work they have and if they need the help. That also would be the cheat soloution. Other jobs could be to use the newly certified skills as Coffee Barista and work in a Cafe' till the end of the year... or if desperation reigns I'm sure I could get a job back at the Supermarket. So many thoughts and possibilities... and unknown too...

Well, my friend Emma [Brisbane] has arrived now so we're going to laze around the Fremantle area and have lunch in the park on this fine day before we both start work this evening.

I hope your day is just - delightful...!

Carola xxx