Some highlights in the past week or so...
- Getting to know the new 'Pre-Ship' has been a hoot - they are all nuts and its so nice to have fresh energy on the ship.
- Seeing familiar faces [though not some from my home church I was expecting - sad!]
- Being challenged with how I deal with situations of conflict [a highlight, i know!]
- Getting to know people for who they really are and not the label I've put on them before I knew them
- Oh - this should be number 1!! - but having a closer bond with God! I was challenged in the beginning and I put God on the back-berner but then realised that this was not something sensible for me to do and now I am trying to commit some time to God everyday!
- Laughing - I love it! I have missed it in the past week with being really tired and just a little down but love having it back!
- Fellowship with people: Simeon & Josephine [& David!], Luke & Rachel [& Winston!], Mandy, Hugh, the Follands and the Neohs... among many others.
- Sailing - and the longest voyage so far... [read on for more details]
This has to been short because i'm totally bushwhacked and need sleep. Its amazing how when you do some physical work for 8 hours it makes so sleep so well at night! Don't get me wrong - I LOVE being a Barista - but its not a physically tiring job and I've been physically tired from not sleeping well for the past month or so. Thank God for voyages and for good work and beauty sleep...
Love you all - hope you're well! Have a blessedly FUNtastic day today/tomorrow...
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