I went to a "Jedi Day" event at the Promethean. Now, let me explain this in a bit more detail.
For the Star Wars Groupies, I am not one of you. Sorry. Go for it if you are one who swings that way, but, I'll pass thanks. I just like the movies. For the rest of society, I'm still with you. But, don't think what I did was anyway geeky. It was - without a doubt - AWESOME!
The thing is, the band - Adam Page and the Death Stars - get together once a year [they are aiming for more appearances] to play classical movie songs and give it their own vibe, be it jazz or reggae etc, and dedicate it to an event. Like - the day that people devoted to the Star Wars movies call Jedi Day [well, apparently the official day is May 25, but May 4 is also celebrated]. Why also May 4? May the Fourth be with you. If you were a Jedi you would understand...
The other amazing thing is the talent of these guys. 5 of some seriously awesome musicians - who have barely rehearsed any of the music - that's how good they are - get together and jam - and you are invited.
The lead, Adam, is a FREAK musician. Actually they are ALL freak musicians. He has talent bursting out of his Chewbacca outfit at outrageous speeds. He goes from sax to banjo to ukelele [which he'd only been playing for 3 weeks - that's how annoying he is], busting a sweat, dancing a groove and looking right at home... to the other Sax, Princess Leia, who could play to extreme heights of awesomeness, duets with Chewbacca, solo's to make your toes curl - just magic... the guitarist, gentle Darth Vader, who rocked his solo set back to black, with such concentration and skill and an awesome hairstyle he really owned his spot on the stage... to the drummer, Yoda, who is the tallest midget I've ever seen, who whipped ass on the drums doing things that made me find hardly believeable, at paces that I've never seen and before last night would've considered impossible... to the bass player Starship Trooper who whipped out some seriously phat beats, while being one of the mellowest dudes chilling out the back of the stage... and then over to the pianist, Obi Wan, who, I swear played so fast and so well that his fingers literally blurred he was going at break neck speeds... I absolutely LOVED it! My leg never stopped tapping and my head never stopped bopping to the classical/jazz/reggae fest...
Could you imagine the Imperial March at regular, fast, superfast and reggae speeds? Exactly. It was a room full of talent watched by a room full of pretty cool people. It was an awesome night.
And as a taster, Adam is quite literally a one-man-band. Imagine him with an actual band. Go on and check it out here...
OK, I know you enjoyed the music and it sounds amazing - however, all I could keep picturing was when Bill Murray was Nick the Lounge Singer on Saturday Night Live and sang "Star Wars"Star Wars/Nothing but Star Wars/Give me those Star Wars/Don't let them end!"
BTW, I don't know if you'll remember when you used to visit my old blog, Rants, Raves & Revelations of the Blond Girl. Well, due to hacker issues I had to close that blog. However, I have a new one now at highlightsofblondgirl.blogspot.com. I hope you'll drop by for a visit sometime!
I'll have to go next year. Mel & I agreed that it would have been a fantastic thing to see! Too bad they only get together once a year...
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