Have you ever done a test... that the conclusion was, infact, a very great and pretty accurate description of yourself? Sure, not every point mentioned is like you, which is totally fine because this test isn't 100% accurate because there are some which are hard to pick between...
Have you ever been on the Personality website? Because if you haven't, I think you really should...
This test, isn't to prove how right or wrong you are. It isn't for you to show that you are allowed to have mood swings and get stroppy whenever you want because your personality profile said that it happens, so its okay now. It isn't to give you the answers to some of your problems. Its just... a profile that might help you understand the way you interact with others and the world. It's really... really interesting...
I, typically, am profiled as a ENFP. I did it today with one of my friends who, as it turns out, just so happens to be almost completely opposite to me. I guess when they say opposites attract, it really means more than romantic relationships, too.
So... I was reading my typical profile, and I kept bursting into fits of laughter. One particular quirk, oddly, is it said that my profile can typically enjoy reading classic romance fiction, like, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. It just so happens that I started reading Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility just a couple of weeks ago. Freaky? I thought so too... more for the timing of reading that particular author and doing this test... and then it also says that a ENFP often doesn't finish a book... losing interest and finishing the book by only reading sections of interests... which is SO WEIRD because... that is something I thought I did due to being... well... me. Ha! I'm not alone after all!
Another part it mentions about me [well, my type] is that [ad-libbed] if we aren't stimulated in the tasks we do in life, if aren't feeling like we are being productive, if we are given strict schedules and mundane tasks, we will become unhappy and work less efficiently. SO... it means I cannot work in an office. I hate office work. And now I know this on a bigger scale apart from the fact that it just bores me, I know I should look at different jobs to that. Outdoor jobs. People jobs. Interactive and imaginative jobs. They are good ones for me...
My favourite statement out of it all?
But ENFPs are always consistent in their value systems, which they will impress on their children above all else, along with a basic joy of living.
That is SOOOO cool!
Best thing about this website, is that it helps you with relationships with people [with friends and, even better, with someone you might want to be more than friends with], jobs that are good for your personality type, and personal growth - basically - how to use this information to be a better you.
Its not the bible. And its not to tell you what to do... but, its bloomin' interesting!!! Enjoy!
I think I may be one of your friends who is rather opposite of you... me, being an ISFJ...I did the test on paper, but I'll def check out the site!
WHOA! That's so crazy! But TOTALLY awesome! I can't remember if its on the site, but I've defintely done it. SO cool, that despite complete opposites, we can still be so close mates. I love that! God is sneaky sneak.. :)
Hey Carola, from one ENFP to another, have a great day! Aren't you glad that there are other personality types who can organise us and keep us in line? Love reading your thoughts. Keep it up :)
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