March 4's Photo-a-Day


This was actually meant to be "bedside", but as I've been sick the past few days, I didn't think snotty tissues would be impressive.

So here is a picture of me MC'ing the "DOULYMPICS" in - Asia. Somewhere. I actually for the life of me struggle to remember which port we had our Doulympics in. Well back to it. I was the host of hosts, and I'm pretty sure I was exhausted after the whole day. Its funny, the days literally blend together onboard. I have this memory that we had a variety of feasting tables with a variety of food, and then we moved down the the Doulympic Arena and commenced the fun games. It was department against department. It was hillarious. There were SO many people who cheated. I'm one of those game players who 'like the rules' unless you are playing "Cheat" - when there's actually no rules.


Trina said...

If my memory serves it was in Keelung, Taiwan. It was during Sabbath week :) I remember becasue that was one of the days of Sabbath week i had off!

Carola said...

YES! Thankyou! I had that it was SABBATH week... and honestly thought it was in Taiwan somewhere - but couldn't for the life of me visually think of where we were berthed... you are a GEM, Trina!!! xxxx