March 6-14 Photo-A-Day

March 6 - "5pm"
Glenelg Beach

March 7 - "Something you wore"
And wore it I did.

March 8 - "Window"
My "Schwepperevescence" window-scape.

March 9 - "Red"

March 10 - "Loud"
My "Mevans brought this from London" bag. Yeah.

March 11 - "Someone you [wish you had] talked to today" - adlibbed this one. 
My Nephew - who I wish I had spoken to.

March 12 - "Fork"

March 13 - "A sign"
The Wingfield Fuel Storage Fire that blackened Adelaide. Cough.

March 14 - "Clouds"
South Australia experiences the Melbourne 4-Seasons in one day weather.
Now I'm also singing Crowded House songs. Anyone?