Someone I love a great deal is going to have her first baby soon... I am SOOO excited. This is highly likely going to embarrass her that I'm writing this but, I don't care!!! If it was happening to anyone else I would probably write about it, too, but she is WORTH every bit of pain I'll get for talking about her so publicly [to the MILLIONS of unknown people who visit my blog... because that happens...{not}...]...
Alex is one of my closest, bestest, funniest, grooviest, honest and most adorable friends I've been SO blessed by God to have in my life. I believe we compliment each other in many ways. We can sing silly songs, do craft invitations, decorate houses but usually make each other laugh because we do spastic things like... blood-curdling screams in cars [only as long as you clench your butt cheeks at the same time] or we gang up and tease her hubby, Tim, because... we can, and because he's worth it...
I can talk to her about pretty much anything, and for some reason [perhaps hormone levels of soon-to-be-motherhood], I feel like I can REALLY talk to her about pretty much anything now since I've returned from my ship trip away. Not like I couldn't before, of course, but perhaps I also developed more confidence while I was away to talk about other things, too [like, soon-to-be-motherhood and all the perks and quirks haha]. And, to add a 'baby bonus' - she even let me feel her 3-weeks-to-go tummy, [that's right, I touched the baby bump!].
She is not the kind of gal that gets flustered or stressed very easily. She can get annoyed, but that's a whole different matter. She has a chilled-out kind of attitude that is like water on a ducks back - life, no matter what happens, just keeps on rolling. She is also such a supportive wife to her husby, too. This might sound kind of weird but - they really are people who I look at and admire. The biggest and best thing about Tim & Al is that they love God SO much! He's a big part of their lives, but not just a part of it - he LIVES in their lives. They love kids, reaching out to them and their families and to extend a helping hand to those in need.
I've known Tim & Alex for pretty much my whole Christian life. They are both my family and my friends. I can go to them to laugh our heads off or to have a deep conversation about, well, anything that may pop up in our lives. They can keep me accountable and they can kick my butt, but most awesome of all - they have let me be in their lives...
I don't think they are lucky to know me. I think I am blessed to know them.
By the way - Alex is due on May 18 but... there are a few people who have their thoughts on when the baby will pop out. I'm voting the 16th of May... we'll see how she goes... :)
Hi Carola, thanks for stopping by my blog. I apologize for my delay in making it over to see you. It sounds like you and Alex have a beautiful friendship.
Happy Blogging my fellow SSB
How exciting for them - and you. A new baby is so amazing. For you, the challenge will be to understand when they are too busy to do all that they used to do with you, and to be understanding when all they can talk about - ad nauseum, is the baby. And for them, the challenge will be remember that they are still adults who formed a relationship with each other and with friends before the baby - and they need to keep those relationships fresh. I speak this from a place of experience. My dearest friend in the world is like your Alex, except that she doesn't have children and I have my Sweet Girl. We've both made adjustments over the years for the differences in our lives - and our friendship has deepened through all of the stages.
Here's something fun that I wish I would have done when Sweet Girl was a baby. Find a stuffed animal and a chair. Take a picture of the baby in the chair next to the stuffed animal. Do this once a week or once a month; however often seems appropriate. Keep this up for a year or two. You and they will be amazed at the changes you'll see chronicled by the consistency of the chair and the animal.
*correction* Alex is actually due May 19 so my guess was to be 2 days prior so I'm voting the 17th...
that is all...
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